Friday, December 18, 2020

Images Of Elvis Presley | "I Never Saw A Statue Erected For A Critic"

Images Of Elvis Presley have been erected all over the world. Critics have tried for over 60 years to make names for themselves at the expense of Elvis Aaron Presley.

When Elvis was alive he never went after his critics personally. Instead he kept his feelings about them to himself. He defended himself explaining the way he moved on stage as just his natural ay of moving to his music.

Here we are now some 60 years later with over 600,000 people each year visiting Graceland. Elvis's recordings have continued to sell pushing his worldwide record sales in excess of One Billion Sales.

Elvis is bigger than ever over 42 years after his death. Statues of Elvis have been erected all over the planet, many in countries that do not even speak English. Can anyone give me the names of any of Elvis's critics? A wise man once said.... "I Never Saw A Statue Erected For A Critic".

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